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June 2022 Scottish Cabs Competition
You must correctly guess the type of Scottish Cab - some are more obvious than others!
You must also correctly guess the approximate location where it was found. Scroll down for more details!

To send your entry, email us at using the subject heading 'Scottish Cabs Comp'.
Using the photo above for reference, use each group letter to indicate your answers.
Remember, you must state the name of the material ( for example, 'Iona Marble') and the approximate location (for example, 'Isle of Iona'). Each answer should therefore look like this:
Group Q - Iona Marble, Isle of Iona
Good luck!
Scroll down for the answers!
Group A - Green Marble, Highlands
Group B - Agates, Dundee
Group C - Campsie Fells Jasper
Group D - Pyrite, Fife
Group E - Chalcedony, Dundee
Group F - Limestone, Highlands
Group G - Glasgow Slag (a bit of a wildcard, this one!)
Group H - Haematite/Limonite, East Lothian
Group I - Isle of Mull Pink Granite
Group J - Scottish Amethyst, Fife
Group K - Fife Stromatolite
Group L - Edinburgh Coprolite
Group M - Jasper, Edinburgh
Group N - Edinburgh Cobblestones
Group O - Burn Anne Agate
Group P - Lewisian Gneiss
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